Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Time to Celebrate!!!

Woohoo!!! Such a fun and exciting day! Yesterday, as I'm sure all of you are well aware, I took 4 entries to the County Fair for judging. I went by today and found out that my Halloween Theme cake took 1st place in its class! After reveling in the fact that I actually won something, I went over to the cupcake tasting area and discovered that my peanut butter cupcakes took 1st place and the carrot cake cupcake took 2nd place in their class :) Only the mint oreo didn't place which was soooo funny cause I totally thought that was the one that might win! Oh well! So, I definitely was on cloud 9!

Then I get home and checked my email only to discover that the gentleman who had contacted me a couple of weeks ago about my cupcake boxes actually used them in his online article!!! Woohoo!!! I'm so excited! I copied and pasted his message to me with a link to the article if anyone is interested in checking it out!

Your photo has been featured on!

Dear Melissa,
Congratulations! Your photo is featured on my recent cupcake tower post for! You'll be able to see it by clicking on the link below:

Your cupcake tower is one of the best I came across in my painstaking search for the best cupcake towers online. I had a lot of fun in searching and hope you like the post. The photos are in alphabetical order based on Flickr usernames, so you'll be able to see yours by searching the post based on account name.

We've created a badge indicating your photos inclusion on WeddingStand’s Cupcake Tower favorites.

The badge that I received is actually a code that I can use to put on my site. So if you look at the top right of corner of my blog I posted it there :)

Such a fun day! I might have to do some baking I'm so excited :)

Happy Baking Everyone!!!

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