Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's Fair Time

Our county fair allows residents to enter items to be judged either on taste or decoration for cakes and cookies and other edibles. I've wanted to do it the last couple of years but finally got around to doing it this year. I made three different flavors of cupcakes to be judged on taste and I decorated a Halloween cake to be judged on decorations. I'm not thrilled with the Halloween cake simply because I had such grander plans. But, life is what it is and so I did what I could with the time that I had. The base of the cake can be false but every decoration has to be edible. I had fun using lots of different mediums that I don't use very often. We'll see how I do :)

Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting

Peanut Butter Cookie Cupcake

Mint Oreo Cupcake

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