Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fondant Embossing

So the other day I was looking online for some baby shower ideas for cupcakes and I came across some embellishments made out of fondant. The lady said she "embossed" them. They were really cute little circles with words in the middle. So I've been searching for days trying to figure out what tool she was using to do this. I even tried messaging her to find out but she never replied back. Today, it just hit me that maybe a rubber stamp, like from stamping paper products, would work. So I went up to my much abused drawer of rubber stamps and found a baby one I had purchased and never used. I gave it a try and this is what I came up with. I think they turned out cute. One thing I learned though was that the more detailed the design on the stamp the better. If there is too much shading and flat spots it doesn't turn out as nice. So now I'm excited to give my new found technique a try :)

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