Saturday, July 4, 2009

Cupcake Kabobs

I found the cutest idea (thank you Bakerella)! I decided I wanted to try to make these for our 4th of July celebration!!! I was so excited! When I started making them, I realized it was definitely a learning experience :)

Here are the mini cupcakes. I learned to use cupcake wrappers on my cupcakes so that the outside doesn't turn brown.

Here are the marshmallows. I learned to make sure you buy sprinkles that pour out (not shake) and to have plenty of them :)

As I was making all of the separate parts yesterday I was beginning to wonder why I had thought I wanted to do it. Then as I put them all together today, I was so glad I had persevered yesterday. The putting together was very easy and they turned out so cute :)

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