Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cupcake Cakes

I was looking through some of my pictures and realized I had not posted these cakes.

This is a picture of a cake I did for my cousin's twins 1st Birthday. She has a boy and a girl and did a cupcake theme. I used my 1/2 sheet pan and basically quadrupled it. I did two cakes side by side, and they were each double thick. Total this cake was 11 cake mixes!!! It weighed a ton. Obviously that much cake required a pretty sturdy board underneath. Dad to the rescue :) He had a shelf made out of 1" thick solid wood so we used one of the shelves off of it. It worked out perfect. Since it was their first birthday they each needed their own cake to eat, so I made two #1's and decorated them accordingly. That is the smaller cakes you see on the sides of the big cake.

This is a cake I did for my brother-n-law the same weekend as the twins birthday. I used the same cupcake pan I used for the twins. Little bit less intense from the twins cake :)

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