Saturday, May 23, 2009

Michael's 1st Birthday

This was my nephew's first birthday cake. I saw this idea in one of my wilton books and thought it looked like so much fun. It is a round cake with green buttercream frosting. If you frost it smooth but a thick coat of frosting and then take your spatula and make short swipes pressing down gently you can achieve the fish scale look. I used gummy orange wedges for the gills on the side and on the top and also for the fish tail in the back. I put purple gum drop candies sporadically for a contrasting polka dot effect. I also used the orange wedges for the lips but they were very hard to keep in place. And since this was Mikey's 1st birthday he got a cake of his own. I just used the wilton #1 pan and decorated it using the same colors as the fish to keep with the theme.

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